"The whole year has been very positive for me and helped me to grow in many different areas. I feel really inspired now!"
Previous CRiBS 'Koru' Student
CRiBS is pleased to be working with Transform Bexley Youth (TBY) to host a gap year experience.
TBY is a joint initiative of youth-workers across the London Borough of Bexley.
You will be helping with, "The Clocktower Project", engaging with young people in the couple of hours immediately after school at the local transport hub.
And you will work with the CRiBS team, presenting Christian faith in dynamic, lively ways in schools - primary and secondary - and supporting the well-being of children and young people in the school setting.
Costs will depend on your living arrangements - depending on where you are based currently, accommodation may be arranged for you - to find out more about this, and all other aspects of the year, please contact us.