CRiBS 30 Years Photography Competition
To celebrate 30 years of CRiBS we held a fundraising photography competition!
Check out the brief below and see the entries received, all we asked is that entrants
were an amateur photographer (photography not being their main source of income).
Theme: A New Thing
"Behold, I am doing a new thing" says God, through His prophet Isaiah (in the book of Isaiah, 43:19).
After thirty years supporting the children and young people of Bexley and beyond we can look back
and see that through God's constant message of faithful love He brings new life, fresh hope and
transformation! Our entrants captured an image that shows transformation, renewal or something fresh, or depicted hope for the fulfilment of this exciting promise.

#30years #30thanniversary
#fundraisewithus #birthdaytea #teaparty
#celebrate #1993to2023

Images were captured using any device preferred and shot in any style (black and white or colour).
Two first place winners were chosen (one adult and one junior) to receive an individual two-hour tutorial with professional photographer, Tony Jones of Oakhouse Photography All of the prize winners will had their photographs displayed on the CRiBS website and social media platforms.
We looked to raise £30,000 during 2023
as part of our 30 year celebrations - £1,000 for every year of our work in schools. Thank you to all who took part in helping secure CRiBS work in schools into the next 30 years!