CRiBS Team
Senior Leadership Team
Paul Davis (Director)
Adam Parfett (Operations Manager)
Dan Milne (Operations Manager)
Office Team
Fiona Davis (Administrator)
Sinead Graham (Fundraiser)​​​​
Primary Schools Team
Carole Farley
James Martin
Abigail McCann
Jack McAlpine
Jerry Nelson
Jason Vaughan
Teresa MacDonald
​Secondary Schools Team​
Isaac Givens
Andrew Unger
Teresa MacDonald
​Koru Team
CRiBS Trustees
We currently have a team of five trustees; all respected Christian people who draw on a wide range of skills and experience.

Martin Andrews is an independent financial advisor who brings his business skills to CRIBS and advises on financial and administrative matters.
Bola Ojo brings expertise from her experience working in local government senior management - especially in education, community development and work with young people. Bola now works in international development as a management consultant on health and education projects which includes outreach work in Africa.
Steve Burnett Following a career in the technology and software services sector, Steve now works independently as a management consultant and interim executive, helping organisations improve and grow. Steve brings many years of business experience to support the CRiBS team in planning and developing the work.​
David Linley worked with London City Mission for over 40 years, latterly as Communications Director, before serving as London Director of More Than Gold to help mobilise the Church to be involved in ventures around the 2012 Olympic Games.
Anne Wood is a retired head-teacher of a local primary school that has had lots of CRiBS involvement over the last few years.
​The trustees are responsible to The Charity Commissioners for the sound financial management and to donors and supporters for the efficient use of resources. Policies are in place covering important issues such as Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, Safeguarding Children, Anti-radicalisation, Data Protection and Complaints which are all regularly reviewed.