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Koru Gap Year Programme

We are thrilled that you are interested in joining our varied, challenging, exciting and unique Koru Gap Year Programme. Read on to find out more.

Why Koru?

Koru gap year logo

The koru (Māori for 'loop' or 'coil') is a spiral shape used in Māori art which is based on the appearance of a new unfurling silver fern frond native to New Zealand. It symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace. The fern fronds are tightly curled when they are young and slowly unfurl. We hope, through our Koru programme, to create the conditions for unfurling to take place for our students; to make space for God to develop you to your full potential.If you have a heart to serve children and young people, enjoy working as part of a team want grow in confidence and mature spiritually, then the Koru programme could be what you’re looking for.

Who is the Koru programme for?

The Koru programme is for any young person aged 18-25, who would like to spend a year serving God and the children and young people in Bexley and North Kent.

"The whole year has been very positive for me and helped me to grow in many different areas. I feel really inspired now!" - Koru Student 

How do I join the Koru programme?

There are two routes to joining our Koru programme. If you are from Germany, we work closely with GVS, usually with students taking a year out between school and University. Young people from the UK, or other countries, can apply directly to us. There are a few differences between the structure of the year, these will be discussed in more detail below.

What will I be doing?

All Koru students work as part of the CRiBS team, supporting their work in many different and diverse schools. Korus support the delivery of:

  • RE Lessons
    Teaching children about Christian belief and practice

  • Unlimited intervention work
    Working with small groups of primary school aged children, supporting them in developing confidence, resilience and self-regulation skills

  • Mini-Explorers
    Exploring Christian belief with preschool children, through storytelling

  • Workshops
    Including Moving Up, helping children move from Primary to Secondary school smoothly and successfully and CAP Money which gives children a basic introduction to money management skills.

  • Seasonal Productions
    A personal favourite of many of our Korus – you’ll get to take an active role in our Seasonal Productions at Christmas and Easter. As part of a team, Koru help to produce, rehearse and tour our plays around approximately 50 different schools in the space of just 2 weeks!

One thing we can promise on your Koru year is variety! Each half term your programme will change, and we aim to give you a taste of all of the things that CRiBS does.


The Local Church

All Korus are placed in a local church and will also take an active role in supporting the children and youth work there. What this will involved will vary depending on your placement, but CRiBS are there to ensure you are properly supported. Korus joining us independently of GVS will also be involved in the Clocktower Project, looking to build relationships with young people after school in our local town centre.

"I learned to take over responsibility; got challenged in areas that were a bit out of my normal comfort zone; it helped me grow in confidence"  - Koru Student 

How many hours will I be expected to work on the Koru programme?

All Korus spend the equivalent of five days a week, 9am-4pm, term time only, working with CRiBS, with one weekday as a personal development day. Church commitments are in addition to this. Occasionally you may be asked to work additional hours, with extra time off given to compensate.

What does CRiBS provide for their Koru students?

All Korus receive full training and support for their role in schools. Korus are always accompanied by a CRiBS team member in schools, and while you will be encouraged to take a more active role as you gain experience, we will be guided by your level of confidence. We will look to discuss with you what you feel your particular areas of strength are, and help you find opportunities to use this in your work with us. All Korus will complete a discipleship programme, and we endeavour to provide you with spiritual encouragement and guidance during your time with us. We also provide you with accommodation (if necessary) in a family home where all meals are provided. Koru students joining from Germany also receive a programme of seminars and support via GVS.

How much does it cost?

Costs vary based on the route you apply to us and your particular requirements. If you are interested in joining us, we wouldn’t want finances to be a barrier, and we can advise you on fundraising.

What do I do next?

We would advise that you pray and ask others to pray for you – if you do choose to join us you will need prayer supporters! – and then contact us for more information about the application process. In your message tell us a little about yourself:


  • How old are you?

  • Where are you based?

  • What interested you in the Koru programme?

  • When would you be interested in joining us?

Are there other ways to get involved with CRiBS?

We welcome everyone who believes and follows Jesus, of all ages, to come and join our team in the role that’s right for them. We have many opportunities to volunteer across all the work of the team.  Please contact us for more information.

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